Mia’s Speech

I have blogged before about Mia’s speech, or lack there of. At her last pediatrician appointment he suggested I contact Early Intervention. I did that, and after a few phone calls and appointments, a speech therapist and an educator came to the house today to evaluate Mia’s motor and communication skills. She was shy at first but everything that the educator tested her with she completed. Glenn’s favorite moment was when she put a shape puzzle in front of Mia with a circle, square, and triangle. Mia did it right away and then went to find her puzzle that had 6 shapes and colors and showed the lady how she could do that one too, and it was much harder. Haha.

The evaluation turned out as we thought. Mia is at or ahead in all developmental areas expect expressive speech. The speech therapist recommended visits from a speech therapist once a week at first which can be decreased if Mia starts to reach her goals.

I feel reassured that concerns that we had were validated and we are closer to getting her on track. I am also glad that all the other areas in her development are at or above what is expected. I’m looking forward to working with the speech therapist and Mia reaching her goals! They asked us to help come up with some goals for her, like what we would like to hear her say. I didn’t even think I just said there isn’t anything specific I just want to help her be where she should be. Then the program coordinator suggested a goal that Mia call me Mama and Glenn Dada everyday. Just thinking about that makes me so happy! Actually, thinking about Mimi saying anything makes me really happy.

I liked that the educator and the speech therapist also made comments throughout the process of positive things that Mia does. They said that she was such a happy kid, she does a great job entertaining herself playing alone, maintains great eye contact, and has great hair.

Glenn took off the last two days off since the General that he is assisting is out of town. It has been great having him here during the day. He was able to be part of the evaluation and I was able to take the doggies for their yearly vet appointment yesterday alone. Barkley is down 1.5 lbs and Ollie lost 1lb! New food is going great! We were able to go for walks yesterday and today also. As long as Mia would let us walk for before she heard kids playing at the park or remembered she passed a acorn a few houses back and absolutely must run back to get it.

So the next step is to wait for the speech therapist to call to schedule an appointment to meet Mia and see what we will be doing! Can’t wait to get started.

20120926-205038.jpgMia at the Beach when we visited Jazz last week



20120926-205054.jpgMeez posing with popcorn at Zi’s

20120926-205117.jpgCoconut Popsicle after a walk

20120926-205130.jpgSignature pose while fall decorating

20120926-205142.jpgAfter bath time tonight

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